All emotional “disorders” such as anxiety and depression are merely unconscious emotional patterns that are running.

Our unconscious runs these patterns on loop. Remember CD players? How you could press the button and have a single song or an entire album looping?

Someone stuck in an extreme emotional disturbance that they can’t get any relief from is looping on a single song – and that song is one that’s totally toxic, like a song of torment, a song of despair, a song of fear, a song of hopelessness, a song of sadness. It’s looping over and over and over.

Someone who is stuck in a milder emotional upset maybe they feel alright some of the time, but inevitably anxiety or depression hits, maybe feeling bad comes on like waves. Waves of okay-ness, and waves of feeling bad is like someone who has a whole CD on repeat. It cycles through different songs, songs of okay-ness, but inevitably always ends back up on the songs of suffering.

So what’s the solution? To eject the CD? Not so much, we have neural pathways in your brain that have stored the CDs like copying MP3 files to a hard drive. You can eject a CD, but there’s still a back up file ready to play.

The actual solution is to put in a new CD. To create new neural pathways, new unconscious and conscious resources that play over and over and over again. But this CD plays the best music ever! Loving music, songs of strength, songs of peace, songs of goodness, songs of joy!!!

The cool thing is the CD player (our mind), will actually CHOOSE to play the goodness CD over the toxic CD as long as the goodness CD is the one strengthened.

So regardless if you’re stuck on one song of torment, or a whole CD of cycles of okay-ness to inevitable suffering, the solution is still the same.

If you need help, reach out. It’s what I do!

Remember I overcame a lifetime of anxiety, depression, panic, trauma and more. That’s why I had to do this professionally for others. Supporting others into their joy centered life free of the toxic CD ruling their life, is my passion and one of my greatest joys!

Reach out if you want help!

The only requirement is the desire to participate in your transformation. I only help those who really want it!

Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation
