While the children were twirling…

While the children were twirling…

As a child, while I was fighting through terrible feelings all the time, I’d notice how the kids around me would seem effortless in their ability to play. I was totally envious of this carefree lifestyle! I’d watch them with reckless abandon play and laugh and would...
Mom’s Rejection

Mom’s Rejection

I was in mere grade school when the awareness formed in my horse obsessed little girl mind that I was emotionally rejected by someone who by default was supposed to love me. I’d watched my friends with these emotionally present and invested mothers who would dote on...
This is Influencing Your Success & Joy

This is Influencing Your Success & Joy

There is a mechanism in your mind that directly affects how you perform in life as well as your success (in any area of your life!). In fact it’s so powerful that many professional athletes utilize this resource for their performance. Even though this relates to...
Stuck trying to get over pain?

Stuck trying to get over pain?

Hi Gorgeous Light! After just one month working with one of my clients, she chose to cease her work with another therapist because…. get this….. she no longer felt like she had trauma to work through!! How amazing is THAT!!!! She’s been going after healing these...
The Chameleon ?

The Chameleon ?

A lot of people who have been through traumatic childhoods that I’ve been blessed to support in their healing and transformation come to me with what I call “Chameleon Syndrome”. They become whatever others need them to become (often to the detriment of themselves)....
Healed of Self Sabotage

Healed of Self Sabotage

All he had heard his whole life was that he was a failure. And admittedly, he had a habit of hiding his head in the sand, procrastinating, hoping to evade the terrible pain that came with the pressures of life. As hard as others had been on him, it was nothing...